Sunday 11 August 2013

The on rush of being overwhelmed and homesick (yes already)

What did I get myself into?! For realz though. I already want to come home. Not because I don't like it here, but for everything that is not here; family, friends, familiarity, lack of smog haha

Though I appear amused in this photo I have actually been crying off an in most of this am (I have only been up for an hour by the way). I knew this would happen and that I will get over it. But honestly I think a year away from everything I know could be even hard than I thought. Heck I almost didn't make the year in the reserve.

When I arrive last night, the lady who was suppose to meet up with me, let me in, show me around etc had to leave as my flight had been delayed and she had a prior engagement. WTF?!! I have no idea where to get food or anything and she just says, "I'll see you Monday at school." I don't even know where that is.

Luckily there is another teacher in my building who let me in, walked me around, showed me some places for food and wifi and answered all my blabbering questions.

I was under the impression my building would only have three teachers and that was all. To my surprise we are in an ACTUAL apartment complex with tons of people I have yet to see, alongside two other teacher.

My place makes me feel like I am back in res - nostalgic moment, but a bit bigger. Once I am unpacked I will showcase photos.

Here is the view from my place this morning. I am by a recycling depot and have a view of a walking path. I will be frequenting this path often. Also, last night, people of ALL ages were in this trail; at 1030 pm! Little, little kids too with NO parents. I am told it is beyond super safe here.

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