Tuesday 13 August 2013

First Day

Rockin the sock bun!

Outside the school

Day one was a bit of a crap shoot. I was not given any orientation. I barely knew how to get to my classroom. Then they left me to teach. All day (and night). On my own! Fack! I had no idea where the books were or anything. It was insanity!

I have never felt more overwhelmed and unprepared and FUCKED to be honest. I am also learning sketchy things about the school; teachers not being given their pension, being overworked and having to pay a damage deposit on ther apartment which is never returned. 

I am told by others who have done something similar that this is normal and it to shall pass. It's just so hard now waiting for it to get better.

I am feeling more today though (day two), that I am ok in Korea but that the school was not a good choice.

My schedule is kindie 940-240 with an hour lunch, then a break from 240-420, then after school (grade 3 or 5 depending on the day) from 430-720. I work a split shift everyday. Though the break is needed to work that much it sucks waking up for work and then coming home to basically go to bed. It is also interesting to find out now, that a part time teacher only works 940-240 and ONLY makes 500 less than I do now. I totally would have opted for this had someone actually told me. I could have actually been enjoying the city more that just on weekends and holidays.

I understand the school is understaffed, but this school is fucked I think.

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