Monday 10 February 2014

let's get H-A-P-P-Y-!

These days I am in another world it feels. I am not entirely sure if it is due to my change in schedule at work, a significant decrease in extra responsibilities/expectations at work, a change in outlook, new friends, or a greater internal shift, but I am so happy these days.

My body is tingling with the feelings of summer approaching. You know that feeling you get as it starts to warm up, the end of the school year is nearing, your taste in music changes to fit the weather ... That is how my entire being feels lately. And it's not even getting warmer here, AT ALL actually! Quite the opposite really. I wake up legitimately happy on a regular basis.

I JUST WANT TO DANCE to techno/electronic music every morning; and I usually do. My neighbours probably loathe me haha. But I honestly don't care, that's how blissed out I am!

I am trying to get into a better sleep routine based on the ayurvedic principles - rise at 6 am, sleep at 10 pm though I am having difficulties getting to sleep at 10. It'll come though (for the most part), I just know it!

My routine is now consisting of the following:
6 am workout for 45-60 mins (currently doing the bodyrock tv 30 Day Real Time Challenge - such an AMAZING concept!)
7 am clean my tongue, warm lemon water, meditate
730 am get breakfast going
745 shower
still have so much time left!
I am able to reply to emails, phone home, blog, read, learn, dance and sing, whatever!

My days are feeling great lately!

I am getting back into yoga this week as well. With my new schedule I am able to try one of the English classes "close" by. Will be a nice change I think. Am attempting to re-learn the balance of my life with my new work schedule and such. It may prove to be a mild challenge at times, but I feel I am able to balance and conquer it all with relative ease these days.

My outlook is much more consistently positive. In the words of pops and Risky Business, "Sometimes you just have to say, 'What the fuck'," and I totally feel like this is where I am, and I mean that is such a GREAT way, truly!

I am open to all possibilities, experiences and adventures, yet am not pulling at bringing about a certain type of future nor am I holding onto the past either. I am the most me I have felt in a long time (minus physically - but that'll come). I am thoroughly enjoying each challenge I take on, whether is it to be positive, to workout, or the Hay House webinars, I am loving all the learning and growth that Korea has been bringing my way!

To learning!

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