Tuesday 13 May 2014

Birthday Abroad

As each one of us ages, as each year passes, we are afforded the opportunity if being reflective and truly appreciating just how far we have come. Heck! I'm in Korea! Never would I have ventured to think I would end up here. So many wonderous experiences and opportunities have come my way simply by being here.

Though the day may have been filled with a sense of weirdness, uneasiness, a skin crawling feeling all day, and things may not have gone exactly to plan - but when do they get! - I was extremely fortunate to have a delightful birthday with my abroad friends. Thankfully I was able to Skype and phone home to chat with my family and friends. 

The day started with somewhat of a hike, hanging out wandering, a run to try and shake the full body willies, dinner and dancing. Regardless of the all encompassing blah, I had a rad day!

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