Sunday 6 April 2014


Sitting on a subway, reading A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. This is how I am spending a vast majority of my sunny, crisp Sunday off; traveling way south (about two hours!) for an ayurvedic appointment and to meet up with mon aimée to grab a legit Canadian burger. Stoked on life at zee moment, though slightly disheartened to be stuck on a train. I'm missing out on feeling the sunrays dance over my body.

Today, an older gentlemen sat beside me. He was dressed like the typical weekend warrior Korean hiker. Totally exuding the part. A real nature man. I could sense he came with a purpose. Sure enough he had an English language question. To be fair, I definitely look the part to assist him, eapecially being the only "whitey" for the entire train!

Pak and I got a talking. It was a lovely conversation. So nice to have a human connection again. A connection outside of work. A connection to snap one back into the real world, whatever that means. It's quite disheartening to look upon the vast masses as see everyone on their phone and other electronic devices, purposefully ignoring others. I can slightly remeber a time when you would make idle chit chat with those on a bus. Those days are long gone, and mostly dead.

Except for today.

Pak has been to BC and many parts of te states for school and for visiting purposes. I find it very admirable and rad he has had so many life adventures. Definitely feeds my itch to travel and explore and to say "what the fuck," because really, what do I have to loose?!

This is life. We only have NOW. Why not seize the moments, capitalize on all the excitemt and exhilaration that there is to be had. Money will come and go. People will come and go. And sometimes experiences come and go; I am not wanting to pass these up.

Also Pak likes Canadian more - we're friendlier. Win for Home! 

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