Tuesday, 19 August 2014

so sad

If you look closely you will see at least thirty large, brown dogs crammed into these tiny cages; one stacked upon the others. I have never seem pups look so miserable in my life, eyes sad, drool trailing from their mouths, one pressed up against another who is inevitably pressed into another. 

I was unable to sharads well enough with the can driver to decipher if these dogs are being sold as pets or as meat. It honestly could go either way here quite easily. Regardless my heart is saddened for these pups. 

Saturday, 16 August 2014

National Museum of Korea

In needing to stay in Korea longer I have been afford some extra exploratory time. This week we pulled up our adult pants and headed on the surprisingly not-so-crowded train for the National Museum of Korea. 

Within we were fortunate enough to see the expanse of Impressionist artworks through their development. There was everything from Monet, Degas, Rousseu to Van Gogh. It was truly fascinating!

The sun was shining and the artist work was incredible. It felt like we were back home, living real/normal lives; not that anyone really knows what that means eh?!

Monday, 11 August 2014

This is The End, My Friend

The End - The Doors

366 days. Yes, my school is still milking every last inch of life out of me and having me, along with all other teachers, work an extra day on top of the year long contract; they don;t quite understand that if you start work on the 12th, your last day in a one year contract is on the 11th. But eh, after everything else that has occurred this year, THIS truly is nothing!

The countdown has been long and arduous. But it feels so, so sweet to realize I have only three more teaching days left. WOW! I have almost made it. Though, with how this school is run and in light of the not-so-recent, but 'new' financial issue I am apprehensive I will make it to the end. A school has closed. Pay has been delayed. Severance has been delayed. Purchasing of flights home has been delayed. Fingers are crossed that all comes through the wash right and in a timely manner.

When I look back on the person I was compared to the person I have become throughout my time here I am shocked and amazed at the great leaps and bounds I am made from the inside out. Though I look completely the same - seriously no changes there! - my being is internally altered for the better. I would not have been able to manage all of the stress that has come from this teaching position and along my travels if it was not for all the hard work on my part and others on my personal, self-improvement journey. I send out HUGE positive vibes, love, hugs and sanks to all of you who have been here for me along the way!

It is The Final Countdown, my last day is occurring as I type. I am observing my incoming as I type. Ah my kids are in good hands. Though I will miss seeing them dressed as Oompa Loompa's during the infamous performance in December. Hopefully Nikki will send me pictures and video :) One can only hope eh.

I am still shocked and amazed at all of the personal growth I have gone through this year. I am definitely not even close to the same person as when I arrived; thank goodness for that! I am appreciative of where I have ended up, minus the struggles to get here however haha.

Friday, 8 August 2014

zee Pilipinas

I am relatively well travelled I'd like to think. I have be fortunate enough to visit and experience a variety of different cultures, especially this year, of which I am so very grateful. 

Upon booking my most recent trip to the Philippines, I anticipated a tropical place, similar to the atmosphere is experienced while in Bali. I knew too that it would be a poor area; I've been to Bali, I've been to Mazatlan, I've been to Nicaragua ... It will be relatively similar. Or so I thought.

Bali has a friendly, colourful feeling. Everyone was happy and extra welcoming. Mazatlan and Nica were both fun places where the people were busy working and seemingly content. In the Philippines, however, there was a sense of devastation and longing to be anywheres else but there. 

I was truly shocked at the contrast between not only the places I've visited prior but also at the contrast of what I imagined it to be like. Mayhaps it was just the areas I stayed in? I am not sure. 

I did throroughly enjoy my stay though. So happy to have used airbnb.com in choosing places to stay. 

My first stop was with a familia in Makati. I met there friends, went to a birthday party, saw a play, received free ballet tickets and ate great food. 

Second was Boracay with a girl an er boyfriend. Was so nice to have a personal tour guide, letting me know the best places to eat. 

The rain definitely put a bit of a damper on this overall, but that did not stop me from fully enjoying my time away. What a great way to start pulling back from the job I am leaving. Was so wonderful to not have a schedule and to wander aimlessly.