Ah the adventurer and pre planner in me has done it again! I first came upon the beauty and serenity of Naksan after my 15.5 hour hike of Seoraksan - what a trek that way! This town has such a relaxed feeling, very chill, yet bustly too. Oh an do not forget all the delicious seafood! Mmmm, mmm good! Blake and I share in crab, sashimi of I don't know what and may other delights!
Surprisigly the beach and town were relatively dead. I wasn't complaining though. The hotel was much improved this time around; we actually had a bed! No floor sleeping for these high rollers! Haha
Through my own detectiveness we took the Uijeongbu bus to Sokcho, transferred to Naksan which is in Yangyang. Across the street was a big museum place. Cool to check out. We were only a five minute walk from the hotel as well!
The trek home was a bit more difficult. Took a bus to Sokcho though didn't end up at the right bus terminal without extra guidance of local bus drivers, transferred in Seoul to the subway as we were afraid Blake wouldn't make curfew. Luckily all ended well!
It was such a lovely getaway. Checked out the view from Naksan Temple again - always breathtaking and had some much needed relaxation. Oh and some fireworks and good eats too! And sun!!!;)

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