Monday, 29 July 2013

Keep Calm, now PANIC! [at the disco;)]

Not only am I freaking out, but so too is the school. I start teaching in t minus six days. No visa in hand. No visa even in the hands of the Consulates, though my UPS tracking number says it has arrived. My guess, my application is sitting all lonesome-like in the bottom of some pile in the mail room ... down in a deep dark basement level floor. My future in Korea may be DOOOOMED!

My fingers are crossed that it all comes out okay.

Gawd, I sure hope this all pans out right quick. My heart is tired of pounding, and my neck is too full of stress to function properly :)

They are processing my visa
It won't be ready till August 7
Nothing they can do they said
Called recruiter in van and left message


Consulate is processing my visa application - small win for me

It won't be ready to be mailed back to me until August 7 (keep in mind I START teaching August 5) - 17,562 steps back for me

Monday, 22 July 2013

On The Road, Again

These past three - four weeks feel like a whirl-wind! I have been up, down, and all around. I've seen family, friends, mountains, oceans, and roads ... many, many a roads. I am so appreciative that I as well as all those I saw took the time, though sometimes brief, to sit back and enjoy one another's company. I am truly blessed for the people I have in my life and for the experiences I have had; thanks for adding to them this month everyone 😉 

You all rock my socks off!

I am on the last leg-stretch of driving. Am heading "home," whatever that means now eh to take care of last minute details and prepare for my next adventure.

Do I smell a time crunch in the air?

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

simple life

that Small Town feel

Enjoyed some physical activity this a.m.

Went for a walk along the river/lake. 

Everyone I passed would either smile and/or say "good morning" as we passed one another.


It was a breath of fresh air from the bustle and hustle and grumpy/detached looks often seen in a bigger centre.

Feeling zen'd out!

Friday, 12 July 2013

how fitting

New bracelet. Recently purchased. Promo code: 50OFFPERSONA
Fits me to a 't'

Monday, 8 July 2013

Commence life altering moment ... now!

Life has been ridonkulously crazy this past week. I've had a million and two interviews, cleaning up my current classroom, hanging out with the pup/fam-jam/friends ... The list goes on and on.

After my very weird, and random interview I quickly received an email stating that the school wishes to hire me.

Say what?!?!!!

Wow man! Life as we know it is OVER. I will be taking a twelve month hiatus from Canada as I venture out of the fish bowl to South Korea. 


This is MY real life.

Bring on the kindie-gartens!

slap me in the face with a chair

After having received the phone call from the Consulate stating, " You fucked up Miss Brown," I received an email stating, "The school is FREAKING out that your documents aren't here yet!" Making me feel that my job may NOT be there if my shit isn't in a orderly group a-sap. 
Only I would screw this up eh.
My auntie stated that, "If it doesn't go smoothly etc maybe it was not meant to be then." Fair enough. But still ...
An hour walk, some waiting, some running around and forty dollars later, my poop is starting to line up in the proper grouping.
Fingers crossed there are NO more hiccups!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

what an idiot!

I could've kicked myself and the Korean Consulate! What do you mean the notarization I have on my documents is not the right one?! I thought I was destined for fuck-dom. 
Here I was, just commencing my traveling adventures back to BC to visit family and say my "see ya laters," and I might have to call it all off and return to Edmonton to fix this blunder. 
What the hell.
Not impressed.
Thank god I can think quickly on my feet and that the Consulate works "slow." I called back and asked them to hold onto my documents as Vancouver was my next destination. 
I am able to collect my documents (if they listened and didn't send them back already -they never asked for my name)
I will be hustling to the office Monday, early a.m. to try ad rectify this issue.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

last goodbyes

Currently, I am making my rounds to see friends and family before I embark on the year long venture that will not ring me home sooner. I do not think I understood or felt the magnitude of this twelve month hiatus on Canada until Bauer was given to a better home.
I just thought I had more time. It all feels so rushed now; the visiting, then"see ya laters," everything. 
Knowing myself, I WILL go through a short period where I cry, miss family/friends and wonder "What the fuck did I get myself into, you crazy chica?!" But once that 1-3 day period subsides, all will be ok, and the real adventure can begin ...