Thursday, 29 May 2014
home-style art scene
I viewed a fantastic performance of Midsummer's Night Dream. Truly amazing! In reflecting upon the education I have received, I feel very uninformed in regards to Shakespeare. I remember reading the stereotypical, Romeo & Juliet, and that was honestly it. Never touched a lick of his work since! Even in being completely unaware of the storyline I still thoroughly enjoyed the theatrics his work has to offer.
In exploring beforehand, I even discovered a cutesy, little breakfast/italien restaurant. So delicious! Who doesn't love waffles, bacon (real, legit bacon in fact!), sausage, egg and salad (real salad!) for dinner. Om nom nom-ness in my mouth hole!
The show definitely makes me wish for home and the art and performance scene. I am sad to be missing Fringe, to miss PRIDE in Van and Edmonton ~ though Van you are waaaay better and definitely my favorite!, street performers, buskers on the sidewalks, people selling their art ... ah I cannot wait to be home for this! I miss the scene that is back home. Though the weather in ever warming, the sun is shining and I continue to smile and say hello in korean to passerby's (even though the majority of them look upon me with disgust - lol!), I miss my sense of home.
Saturday, 24 May 2014
a stumble
Monday, 19 May 2014
Life in Colour
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Birthday Abroad
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
A Little Slice of Paradise
Monday, 5 May 2014
A group of traditional Hemya (Korean lady divers), native to Jeju/Udo Island. Originally having dove naked, these women dive only with wetsuits, flippers, goggles and large lung capacities. If you have eaten seafood on the islands, it is more than likely they are responsible for it having been put on your plate!
After having achieved great financial success for their efforts, these women wanting nothing more than a better life for their daughters, used their earnings to pay for their children education on the mainland; many becoming doctors, lawyers, etc; Due to this, the traditional ways have not been passed down through the generations. The majority of Hemya are in ther late sixties! Slowly this incredible way of life is dying. I do wish I could be inducted into this career of badassery, becoming a tribal women, further perpetuating my 'dirty kid' lifestyle choice :)
Sunday, 4 May 2014
A Welcomed Sense of Calm