Monday, 31 March 2014


Visited a truly beautiful music museum called "Praum." It was by far one of the better field trips the school has taken us on. The kids were actually able to learn something, interact and have enough time to check everything out as well!

Jindo Dog Festival & Sea Parting

Inhale for a count of eight. Hold for a count of eight. Exhale for a count of eight. Hold for a count of eight. Repeat three times. Breathe in all of the warmth, sun, beauty and blossoming trees. Spring is upon us 
and so to are the adventures.

Travelled by bus with WinK to the Jundo dog festival and for the sea parting; think in biblical, Moses terms. Though the sea may not have fully parted this year, it was still a gas to go and be a part of it all. We were even acting as the sea in the towns parade!

Despite the quick turn around with an extreme portion of the trip dedicated to travel time, the weekend felt as if it had been a log weekend. Wonderful to get away. Equally wonderful and not wonderful was being around forgeiners all weekend. It was comforting and heart warming to be able to easily communicate with others and know you are all coming from a similar place. However, I didn't appreciate the unconscious eavesdropping or listening to others mundain conversations - not that mine are any better ... ! 

Hard to be back in Korea and back at work. I feel stagnate. It is time to go Home Home. Time for another adventures.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Exploring Itaewon

Over the weekend I continued exploring a frequented area: Itaewon. Much has been left undiscovered. It is always a treat!

Saturday brought about an aray of activities; Korean acupuncture, Korean massage, middle eastern food and found a quaint London style pub. It was da bomb!

Sunday was a gorgeously warm day. Ate at a vegan restaurant called Plant. Totally overconsumed due to pure deliciousness - biscotti, chai, lunch, pumpkin scone. Delectable to say the least. 

Enjoyed the rays while working on a rooftop patio in Hollys. Even mildly enjoyed an Italianized version of pad thai for dinner. 

The trees are beginning to bloom and the birds are starting to sing. Ahhh, breathe it all in.

Overconsumption should currently be listed as my middle name!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

spring is coming

Spring may not yet be officially here, but this weekend sure did a nice job of providing us with weather of a similar caliber. The temperature rose to 18 degrees, the sun was shining and everyone was enjoying the great outdoors.
Hit up Teukseom Resort again. Went for a run along the water - GORGEOUS! The skate park was packed, the soccer pitch was busy, and the bbal courts were bumpin'.
We propped ourselves up in the rocks, enjoyed a brewsky, the rays an te nice breeze.
Was a great day!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Self Esteem Blow

Back home I think it's safe to say I am relatively good looking. Thanks to mom and pops I ended up with some fairly decent genetics and a wicked smile with killer dimples. On the Korean subway it is severely blatant how intent the koreans are to not sit next to me at any cost. Some have looked right at me, then elected to stand instead. Ugh, my feelers! It's not like I'm an un-showered individual or anything. I still present myself in a relatively clean manner. It's just mnd boggling how obvious they are.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Ttukseom Resort Skate Park

I am blown away by the skate culture here in Korea. From what I have come to see, it seems so anti what Korea stands for - conformity, workaholic-ism, no fun (unless it involves copious amounts of soju, then that's allowed). There is such a sense of community here. From young children to middle aged adults, all grace this wooden playground with immense enthusiasm. The energy ebbs in this place.

There is such a sense of community here. Though naturally an individualist sport, everyone roots for one another's performance, yet bring there A game to one up in the next breath. High fives, fist bumps and hoots can be heard from all corners.

Surrounding it is a river front pathway. Kites dot the sky, couples walk hand in hand and bikes pedal on by. You can even see a father and son playing catch. This sight brings back memories of Lake Chalane with my pops - needless to say, my nose has fully recovered from our game of catch.

If you take the time to look upwards you may even spot a pair of shoes dangling from a light pole. Ahhhh, what a memory from back home. Though at my last school this was used to represent a gang affiliated household; here I'd beg to differ.


Wednesday, 5 March 2014


I pride myself in being adventurous and trying new things; really experiencing some life ya know. The other day, while in the nix of caffeine, I thought is try a sweet potato latte. I LOVE yams and sweet potatoes are the closest thing here. 

My beverage came with a deep, grey-ish purple hue. So not impressed already but kept an open mind. Ok, I thought, the taste of the foam is not so bad. Alright. I can do this. Good choice Brown!

Boy was I wrong! The hot beverage continued to increase in sweetness factor. So much so that I considered asking for more milk. It was actually truly gross. Somehow I managed to guzzle it down the esophagus tube down in towards my insides.

I'll give it one shout out though ... It was ...warm. Ugh. Mayhaps I shall stick to what I know when it comes to beverages, especially when in Korea. There is far too much of a language barrier to have them explain to me what these beverages will be like. Plus they will more than likely be Korean-ized.