Thursday, 27 February 2014

a little smile

Most Koreans elect not to make eye contact when passing on the street. This also means they will not smile or say hello to you. I miss this from back home. A lot. It gives you a nice, warm, all over body tingle. 

Last night, in the way home from work I was feeling rather lethargic. Two Korean, women friends were out for a walk together; reminded me of walking with Doe and chatting up a storm:) One lady warmly smiled at me as she passed. In that split moment, kind gesture, I realized my smile was dimmed. I immediately took a deep breath, opened my heart/chest and smiled a truly authentic smile.

For this I am grateful to this stranger for shaking me up and bringing out my dimpley, happy smile.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Puffin Class

My new kidlets watching Puss in Boots. *heart*

Vagina Monologues

Had a fabulous weekend viewing the vagina monologues. It was a truly hilarious event.
Though the Seoul Players were a bit of BS - they start selling off your early bird tickets if you are not there by 20 minutes PRIOR to the showing. Needless to say, our Saturday viewing was moved to Sunday afternoon. Ballz eh. 
But it was great nevertheless! ;)

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Ayurvedic Delicious-ness!

I am loving this Self Journey I have begun here in Korea. The universe has been sending all that I need my way at just the right time; or mayhaps, I am just open and willing enough to listen now, more so than I was before. Either way I am absolutely in LOVE with this process and practice. I am learning to make my routines into habits. I am doing my dishes regularly, making my bed, exercising, meditating, yoga-ing (yes it's a verb!), drinking loads of water, taking me time, writing, etc. So great. Feeling more and more like I am becoming the ME I always knew I was/wanted to be.

And now for something completely different! Here are some of my ayurvedic recipes that I have tried. They are amaze-ballz! Please do try! And substitute where needed!

Brown Rice Breakfast Bowl
3 TB brown rice (can mix in quinoa or oats)
1 C water
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp cardamom
1 tsp ghee (or oil)
maple syrup to taste (I use honey)

Combine cinnamon, cardamom and ghee in saucepan over medium-low heat until scent is released. Add water and bring to boil. Add rice (precooked) and bring to boil. Let simmer on low until it is creamy - I have a hard time getting it creamy, mine is usually just watery but still yummy! Add syrup to taste.

Kitchari Recipe - THE Ayurvedic Recipe! - great for doing a 10 day cleanse as it helps to reset your digestive system
1 c basmati rice
2 c mung dal (split yellow)
7 c water
1/4 tsp salt
2 TB ghee
2 tsp cumin seeds or powder
2 tsp tumeric powder
2 tsp corriander powder
2 tsp fennel powder
pinch asafoetida (hing)
pinch ginger powder

Wash mung dal and rice separately. Soak mung dal over night or for a few hours then drain. Saute seeds in ghee until the POP (careful not to burn them). Add the spices. Saute for 1-2 mins. Add boiling water. Bring all to a boil. Simmer for 30 mins. Prepare any vegetables that support your constitution, cut into small pieces. Add rice and vegetables. Bring to boil. Simmer 20 mins or until rice is fully cooked. Add minimal water as you are trying to simmer it off - keep lid on while simmering. Add TB organic plain white yogurt on the top!

Carrot/Ginger Soup
1/8 tsp black pepper
2 whole carrots
2 TB celery stalk (I just up a bunch of actual celery)
1/4 inch fresh ginger
2 tsp oil
1/4 tsp mineral salt

Put everything into blender (I pre cut). Fill to the height of the vegetables with water. Puree. Pour into pot and boil for 15 mins.

Honey & Cinnamon Takra
1/8 tsp cardamon
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp cloves
1 tsp honey
2/3 c water
1/3 cup yogurt (plain white is best)

Put into a jar or cup with a lid on it. Shake for a couple mins. Eat/drink away!

Dr. Vasant Lad's Date & Almond Shake
6 medjool dates
20 almonds
1 c water to soak dates in
1 c water to soak almonds in
pinch of cinnamon, cardamom and/or nutmeg
1-2 c milk (or milk substitute or water, or half and half)
1/2-1 c hot water

In separate bowls soak dates and almonds in 1 c water each OVER NIGHT. In morning pop skin off the almonds and chop up the dates (remove pits if there are any). Blend almonds, dates, and date soaking water. Bring milk to a boil. Add milk, water and spices to the blender. Blend until frothy.
Drink warm.

Herbal Chai Tea ~ alternative to coffee
(serving size 1)
1/2 c milk (or milk substitute)
1/2 c water
2 crushed whole cloves
2 crushed cardamom pods
2 crushed peppercorns
1 cinnamon stick
1 half thumb size piece peeled, chopped ginger
1-1 1/2 tsp black tea leaves or 1 black tea bag (2 for a stronger cup)
add honey or jaggery (dark brown sugar) to sweeten

Combine milk, water and spices in medium saucepan. Boil until frothy. Turn off. Add black tea. Soak for 5-8 mins. Important NOT to boil the tea or it destroys its healing properties. Strain and enjoy!

Honey and Tamari Sunflower Seed Mix
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp coriander seed
1 tsp honey
1 c sunflower seeds
1 tsp tamari

Grind coriander. Mix honey with cayenne and coriander. Heat oil. Brown sunflower seeds in oil and tamari. Remove from heat and place in container. Mix with honey sauce.

in English please

I am always amazed when things finally POP up for me. There is a huge lack of communication between people/foreigners, especially if you don't know the right people or right things to ask. This is also a mutual feel towards me working abroad at CIS Uijeongbu.

I have been introduced to an English speaking yoga class. Granted, it is approximately one hour EACH  way by subway I love it nevertheless!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

A Little Taste of Me-He-Co!

If there is one thing that my mom and I truly bond over is the great taste and spice of Mexican food. Man you just can't catch a break over here in Korea - just kidding! I was shown TWO amazingly delicious restaurants in the foreigner central of South Korea; Itaewon. Umm, it's pretty much the bomb. Well except for all the foreigners haha.

It's funny how quickly you get use to NOT accidently eavesdropping on others conversations when you LITERALLY cannot understand a lick of what they are speaking. Plus it just feels way more judgey, like back home, when you are there. Nevertheless, they have the Foreigners Market there, some amazing restaurants, shops, an English bookstore. Ok ... so yes, some parts of it are the bomb!

Monday, 17 February 2014

Monday, 10 February 2014

let's get H-A-P-P-Y-!

These days I am in another world it feels. I am not entirely sure if it is due to my change in schedule at work, a significant decrease in extra responsibilities/expectations at work, a change in outlook, new friends, or a greater internal shift, but I am so happy these days.

My body is tingling with the feelings of summer approaching. You know that feeling you get as it starts to warm up, the end of the school year is nearing, your taste in music changes to fit the weather ... That is how my entire being feels lately. And it's not even getting warmer here, AT ALL actually! Quite the opposite really. I wake up legitimately happy on a regular basis.

I JUST WANT TO DANCE to techno/electronic music every morning; and I usually do. My neighbours probably loathe me haha. But I honestly don't care, that's how blissed out I am!

I am trying to get into a better sleep routine based on the ayurvedic principles - rise at 6 am, sleep at 10 pm though I am having difficulties getting to sleep at 10. It'll come though (for the most part), I just know it!

My routine is now consisting of the following:
6 am workout for 45-60 mins (currently doing the bodyrock tv 30 Day Real Time Challenge - such an AMAZING concept!)
7 am clean my tongue, warm lemon water, meditate
730 am get breakfast going
745 shower
still have so much time left!
I am able to reply to emails, phone home, blog, read, learn, dance and sing, whatever!

My days are feeling great lately!

I am getting back into yoga this week as well. With my new schedule I am able to try one of the English classes "close" by. Will be a nice change I think. Am attempting to re-learn the balance of my life with my new work schedule and such. It may prove to be a mild challenge at times, but I feel I am able to balance and conquer it all with relative ease these days.

My outlook is much more consistently positive. In the words of pops and Risky Business, "Sometimes you just have to say, 'What the fuck'," and I totally feel like this is where I am, and I mean that is such a GREAT way, truly!

I am open to all possibilities, experiences and adventures, yet am not pulling at bringing about a certain type of future nor am I holding onto the past either. I am the most me I have felt in a long time (minus physically - but that'll come). I am thoroughly enjoying each challenge I take on, whether is it to be positive, to workout, or the Hay House webinars, I am loving all the learning and growth that Korea has been bringing my way!

To learning!

Ayurvedic Knowledge

     For more info on what ayurvedic medicine is, where is a link to wikipedia:  Though I definitely recommend
     you either google is more, or ask me anything about it! Very interesting. Basically,
     in as small a nutshell as possible, it is a holistic approach to rebalancing your body
     where you currently are (internally) and then rebalancing you back to where you
     were when you were born. This is mainly done through digestion, but is also paired
     with things such as yoga, mantras, meditation, aromatherapy, mindfulness, etc;

I am gaining so much insight and useful information after having started to see an ayurvedic doctor in training. This girl is awesome. I totally think her and I would be friends outside of this doctor-patient relationship. She is such a gypsy type, in the best way possible, down to earth, sending out good vibes. In addition to teaching in Korea, she is continuing her education through distance ed from the ayurvedic school in Cali and completing practicum hours as well. She is one heck of a busy cat!

I relish in the days when we meet up for check-in's and to add another thing onto my plate for personal growth/to help improve my digestion. I have come to collect quick the list of recipes that I MUST come to share with you all. This morning I made a smoothie (even though the second, second-hand blender I have lacks much needed power) with almonds, dates and almond milk - Delish!

Somethings definitely are harder to accomplish here that she has recommended for me as, well ... I'm in Korea and shits hard to come by at times. But I do what I can. At least the food/digestion part is easy enough to incorporate into my life with relative ease.

Some other useful tidbits I have come to pick up are as follows:

  • When adding honey to tea, let the tea cool to room temperature before adding, otherwise it will release toxins from the honey
  • If you have a cold have a TB of honey and cinnamon
  • Drink warm (with or without lemon) every morning at the same time. It will help keep you regular and is a great way to start off the day!
  • Milk, this includes all kinds, should be drank warmed and with some spices, such as cardamon, ginger or cinnamon
  • If you are going to eat ice cream or chocolate or the like, have it as a snack on its own away from meals. Your body will go straight to digesting the chocolate even if it is currently digesting a big dinner you JUST ate. Also, the ice cream will put a damper on the fire that is your digestion, slowing everything down.
  • DO NOT mix milk and yogurt. If you are having a smoothie, pick one or the other. 
  • DO NOT consume milk and sour fruits, it will cause the milk to curdle in your stomach. Gross!
  • For a natural breath freshener, chew on cardamom pods. It'll seem off and funky-ish at first, but they are actually pretty neat and tasty little suckers. 

I have so much more knowledge it is just sitting at home at the moment. 
More to come I promise!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

third eye style opening weekend

Throughout my time in Korea I have been fortunate enough to upkeep many things I've done back home - such as acu, massage, exercise and eating well. Opportunities have been presenting themselves to me that fall into the same wellness category, though are completely new for me.

I've been working with an ayurvedic doctor in training here. She works to rebalance you into your optimal self based on your birth by way of digestion, yoa, mediation, aromatherapy and soooo much more. I highly recommend you do some reading up on it as it is quite interesting!

I took the time one weekend to just be with myself and these new practices ALL  weekend. Through I found a breathing group, a meditation group, a yoga class and a philosophy lecture. 

All of these groups were mind, body and spirit opening. By the end of the weekend I felt so alive. So refreshed. So ready to tackle anything. We often forget to take care of ourselves, and I  so glad I took the time to take care of myself!

down. way down.

Immediately upon my return from Bali, the universe graced me with a wicked two day flu. To make this that much more enjoyable I was still required to work these days. I spent every break sleeping on the floor mats in my room, sweater over my eyes to block out the light. 

I really missed the convenience of being back home these days. All I wanted was some Campbell's chicken noodle soup. But do you think I could find it? I found something that looked like a close substitute, only to discover that I did not have a can opener like I thought to open it.

Face palm!

During this time I was experiencing an all over body itchiness. I was crawling in my own skin. My whole being was repulsed by being back in Korea a d even more so with being back at work. 

No matter what I did I could not shake this all over grossness I was feeling. Each day it was spirling progressively downward. There was even a small glimpse of what felt like the depression I felt back in uni.

I was scared. I didn't know if I should stay or go. Or why I was reacting so strongly.

Once I finally let it all go and flung it up to the universe and into my subconscious I was able to pull through.

Needless to say, I toughed out my negative feelings and am still in Korea. The next time I return from a trip I will be better equipped to handle these potential feelings that will inevitable arise.