"Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy ..." Well maybe not quite like P. Diddy, I am younger, female and ... well ... not African American; let's be honest! Had yet another interview with a recruiter this am at the god forsaken hour of 8 am
ON A SATURDAY! Who ever thought that was a good idea should be high fived. In the face. With a chair. Nah, it actually wasn't too bad.
I was, however, in a panic about,
"should I do my make-up if I am probably going to climb back into bed and/or shower afterwards?" In retrospect that was a silly thought to have as we turned off the webcams immediately the help minimize our delays. Ha! Well I only put mascara on anyways, so hmph!
Interview went well. I am happy to have completed it in my sweat pants and a nice, teacher shirt as well, while sipping my morning coffee. I am surprised I did not become
hangry as I have yet to have breakfast. Sleeping in a bit longer felt more important.
Big push from the recruiter for an IB position in China. Will see what some research tells me so that I am can decide if it is a good place or not.
Having my BEd is fairing well for these positions overseas though. Way better than I thought too! I am typically able to view positions and apply for ones that most others cannot, and receive the higher end of pay. The position in China would give me 12 weeks of paid vacation! That expensive piece of paper is definitely starting to work in my favor I'd say.
Yesterday, I has an impromptu meeting with, you guessed it, another recruiter. He gave me a good confidence boost, stating that,
"You are in the top 1% that apply for positions ..." Was a good call. Waiting to hear back for specific placement options.
But man! The whole process of acquiring all the necessary documentation is
ridonkulous! I feel like a chicken running around with their head cut off. I don't want to forget something, or do something incorrect as it would/could mean I do not receive a position. Oh the pressures!